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• • • • gear PACKS PACKS IN THE NEW MILLENNIUM TEXT: PETER KRAY I didn't like backpacking when I was young. I shrank under the weight of the pack and grew suspicious of hiking, as if my father was training me for yard work, military school or a Sherpa slavery ring. Then when I was eight, my father and I were standing atop an exposed shale-covered ridge in the Colorado Rockies called Electric Pass, drunk on altitude sickness and watch- inga storm rush in. As the lightning smashed down and my hair stood on end, I felt in awe of nature and I began to understand the wortd my dad was offer- ing me. Since then, I've also realized that packs are a necessary tool for out- door enjoyment and that nothing, other than boots, has more of an impact on your hiking experience than having a pack that can hold all your gear comfortably. In order to test the latest packs, I gathered three good dogs and one good friend and headed into the Sangre de Cristo Mountains in New Mexico. AU the packs tested range from 4.'00 to 7,000 cubic inches and are designed forbackcountrytreksofaweekortwo (or at least a long weekend). We loaded each pack with 45 pounds of gear, food and clothing. AU of these packs are appropriate for both trail hiking and ski touring, so where appro- priate, I have commented on features that are relevant to ski tourers.

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