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amy schrier robert young pelton senior editor consulting editor editorial assistants photo assistant copy editor art direction + design art department manager contributing editors claire hochachka richard murphy chad brealey nicole bratovics corey kohn jennifer hirshlag christa skinner corinna pu aaron bible adam nagler alex salkever bruce northam david paler doug fine gil holland gtikhan karakus holly morris jean weiss kathleen gasperini lesa griffith michael behar michael cervieri michele shapiro sarah karl steven kotler associate publisher advertising manager assistant to the publisher advertising associates circulation director director of finance production manager human resources communications coordinator technology systems colorado associate san francisco associates los angeles associate interns daphne howard jess gronholm amy coseo david fireman joann silverman peter hoyt nicolas black kelli daley dan rattray tiffin goodman mike rowe masa masayuma molly wickwire sharon sforza anne mav jessica perri frank angiuli alex olson brendan robertson jacky woyda Blue, 611 Broadway, Suite 405, New York, NY 10012 Tel: 212 777 0024 Fax: 212777 0068 01999 by Blue Medle Ventura LLC. Blu.(ISSN' 1093-75601" published six times. ye.r by Blue Madl. Ventures LLC. All rights .-vad. Reproduction In whol. or In p.rt without writt.n per- mlulon Is strictly prohlbitad. VIews expressed heraln .re those of the .uthor Blu. '" .nd Ita logo .r. registered tndem.rb of Blue Medl. Ventura LLC. P.rlodi .... p.ld .t New VorIc. NY •• nd additional m.lRng otn... Subscription .nd beck-Issue requ_: one y •• r. S19.96; two y ...... 129.96. No refunds or partl.1 refunds .vallabl. on subscriptions. In Can.d.: on. y •• r. 1Z4.16; two y ..... 134.96. Fo .. lgn: on. y •• r. 534.96. SIngle copies: $4.96 In the US. 16.16 In Canada. For ecIdrese changes .nd .djustm.nts. writ. to Blue. 611 Broadw.y. Suite 405. New York. NY 10012. For subscriptlons .. 11 (8881302-Blu • • POSTMASTER: Send .ddress ch.nges to: Blu •• PO Box 3000. DenvU". NJ. 07834. SubmissIons: Include e SASE for contributors' gul .... lines .nd unsollcltad contributions. Blu. Is not rnponslbl. for loss. or other Injury to unsolicited menuscrlpta or artwork. BLUE MEDIA VENTURES LLC FounderlPres\dent: Amy Schrier Co-Founder: DavId Canon ChIef OperetIng 0fIIcer: Daphne Howard founding Members: Joshu. Olshln. ArIel Kaplen. H.nry Slagel. Hilary McKown. John Kerschner. Raymond Roubenl. Rebecca RObbins. Simon Veghoubl founding Stell: Ann. MaY. CorInne Pu. Derren Tuozzoll. J.nn Kabat. Jessi.. Perri. Mlche.1 CervIerI. Matt Silvermen. V.n .... Crltch.1I PrInted In the USA Blue I. a proud medle mamber of the following organizatIons:

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