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beckoned a voice inside me a few years ago. At that time, I was immersed in the corporate life I had planned as my future. The voice suggested I consider a break in this path, to become something other than a career-driven city person. To look into the unknown. This was a terrifying challenge, but I felt com- pelled to take it on. So I responded, "Why not?" "Why not" turned into a detour that led to the main highway of my life. I went to Africa. All the things you hear about Africa are true: a sky larger and more infinite than you can imagine, endless plains, roaming wildlife. But once you're there, you forget the descriptions. You live the experience of the place. In the African bush, you rise with the sun, sleep when it's dark, eat off the land and maintain a constant awareness of the natural world and the predators around you. It is a place to see, feel, hear, taste and smell. To sense. You follow your instincts, not a schedule. The African bush is a place where the sounds of the night were so humbling they left me paralyzed in my tent. I opened myself up to Africa and found lots of real opportu- nities waiting. I worked at a safari river camp, canoed the Zambezi, tracked lion. I reinvented my life every day. The potential was infinite. Two years later, I returned home. I hoped to somehow inte- grate my African experience back into a professional life. When I came across blue-a magazine about the very things I had just discovered, with a mission so true to the lifestyle I was leading-I saw my opportunity. blue became my Africa. A place to explore limitless possibilities, where I could get to the other side of impossible everyday.

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