would like to congratulate endurance athlete Ian Adamson
The STING RAY is basically a decked surfboard. It has a V-shaped hull with a tri-fin box under the seat. Sporting concave sides and very sharp rails, the Sting Ray is the ocean surfer's boat of choice. Avai lable from Necky in composite only.
Length: 8'6" Width: 24.5" Weight: 25 lb. Necky, 604-850-1206, $1 ,200
for breaking his own world record of paddling 216 miles in only 24 hours.
for more information on this incredible feat contact:
FUTURA SURF SKIS or Descente Paddles phone (415) 586-0331 fax (415) 586-0532
180 Southwood Dr. * San Francisco CA 94112 or visit our site www.surfskis.com
photo by Patrick Pruitt
SURF MACHINE, a custom Wold design, will tear it up in the ocean surf. It has a surfboard bottom with half-inch channels on the hull. It is designed to spin and tumĀ ble. Available from Wold Ski in composite only.
Length: 8'5" Width: 24.5" Weight: 25 lb. Wold Ski, 707-839-3328, $850
24"x 28" full color limited edition print
"Outrigger Canoe Racing" during the 62 mile Moorea Race, Tahiti
$20.00 plus $3.00 shipping DAPHNE
Send Chech or Money Order to: Daphne Hougard
20A Sunnyside Ave. #151 Mill Valley; CA94941 415 381 0733
daphne@marinternet.com HOUG AR D SPOR TS PHOTOGR APHER