TANZANIA-Frontier Expeditions runs 10-week volunteer programs in the tropical forests. savanna and marine habitats of Tanzania. Whether you are tak ing inventory of wildlife. planning to protect trees from logging or diving to dis cover threatened coastline. you will be involved in important scientific field work. Frontier volunteers must raise money before participating to cover air fare. insurance. room and board. For information on Frontier's projects in Tanzania. Mozambique and Vietnam. check out Frontier's email address is or call 011-44- 171-613-2422
central america
COSTA RICA-Take a walk on the beach and save a turtle. Each Spring pregnant leatherback turtles crawl out of the surf onto Costa Rican beaches to nest. In the past. many of their eggs-which are considered a delicacy were stolen by poachers before they had a chance hatch. Join Associacion ANAl in the Gandoca-Manzanillo Wildlife Preserve Refuge and help keep tor tuga baulas on Caribbean shores. You'll patrol the beaches at night. tagging turtles or relocating eggs to hatcheries. and spend your days maintaining the ANAl facilities. playing soccer with the Chiquita Banana pickers or kicking back on the beach. As a volunteer you can also pitch in with community work, teach healthcare and environmental education in the town of Gandoca. Make arrangements at the ANAl office in San Jose. where they'll ask for a contri bution to cover your room and board. Asociacion ANAl, 011-506-224-3570.
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