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= SNOWSHOES ARE AN OLD SOLUTION TO THE OLDER PROBLEM OF "POST-HOLlNG"-SINKING ONE LEG CROTCH-DEEP INTO THE WHITE ABYSS. FOR CENTURIES, PEOPLE HAVE CRAFTED PINE BOUGHS. WOOD FRAMES AND WEBBING TO WALK ON SNOW. THESE UTILITARIAN ORIGINS HAVE GIVEN WAY TO AN EXPLOSION OF SLEEK SNOWSHOES FOR BACKCOUNTRY AND RECREATIONAL ENTHUSIASTS. ABOUT 700.000 PEOPLE SNOWSHOED LAST YEAR. ACCORDING TO THE NATIONAL SPORTING GOODS ASSOCIATION. AND MAJOR SKI RESORTS-SUCH AS BEAVER CREEK. WHISTLER. BLACKCOMB AND STRAITON-NOW HAVE SNOWSHOE PROGRAMS ...... ___ � AND TRAILS. TAKE A WALK ON THE WILD SIDE � �J (Q) \\/W � G={] (Q) � � CRESCENT MOON PERMAGRIN 9: Testers' Choice. This shoe's simple binding system has an easy to-use heel ratchet for quick entry/exit and a perfect fit and hold. The teardrop shape allows a normal walk ing stride (no "duck walk"). The crampons are among the best we tested, and held our big9,. I slippage during the steepest ascent. I, hese shoes are straig htforward, lightweight and very attractive-they score big points in the "hip, stylie, now!" category. Fixed rotation, 3 Ibs loz, 8.5"x 27", $239/Crescent Moon: 800-587-7655, est tester with no TUBBS KATAHDIGreat boot alignment in the binding along with solid crampon traction. This extremely durable shoe's ArcTec decking tended to be slick in hardpack snow conditions. The Katahdin would be great in deeper snow, although the intricate binding system does not lend itself well to larger boots. Full rotation, 3 Ibs 2 oz, 8" x 25", $209ITubbs: 800-882-2748, SHERPA TECH FEATHERWEIGHT: A lightweight and highly maneuverable shoe. The crampon is very stable and the lacing that holds the decking to the frame adds lateral traction and sta bility. The shoe's size permits natural strides. but the booty allowed for too much toe movement. The unique "dual rotation" binding behaves like a fixed binding on firm snow and rotates fully in deeper stuff. The bindings went on easily. but the heel strap came loose frequently. requiring several trail adjustments to fit them just right. Dual rotation. 3 lbs 7 oz. S"x25". $209/Sherpa: SOO-621 -2277. - '< .�' . . =-..Ii.. - - ' -' can broken down (much like free tent poles) and carried in a fanny They are remarkably quick to assem and performed well. The "booty" binding �. . ' is easy to tighten and stayed tight on the trail. The shoes are a good size. although one of the heaviest we tried. While unique among the shoes we tested. we were uncer- tain as to the utility of a "some assembly ��-. required" snowshoe. Fixed rotation. 5 lbs 4 oz. S"x25". $269/Powder Wings: SOO-453- '-----------��1192.